Nasscom 10000 Startups

Nasscom 10000 Startups

Happy to announce that we have been incubated at Nasscom 10000 startups program and here goes our intro video.

Our first product ​​TripMantu helps end traveler plan their multicity and multi-day tour in a matter of seconds.

They can create a trip or clone an existing trip, store, and retrieve it at a later stage for possible edits, which is usually the case in long trip planning.

They can dynamically get an idea of possible estimates of cost, time, and halts thus helping them to chart out near accurate tours and while doing so saving days of the time that usually goes in planning multi-hop tours.

Travelers get to choose from points of interest that have already been identified by previous travelers in the same region, giving the new travelers options to explore more on the way or at the destination.

System also gives an option to dynamically alter a trip based on your traveling style. So in case you are a quick explorer of a route but wish that your parents or a bigger group takes the same tour, then based on their traveling preferences, our algorithm gets you fresh estimates of time, cost, and possible halts.

TripMantu puts its proprietory mobility and logistics software in use for Trip Planning.

TripMantu Intro

So, if you are planning for a post lockdown trip, try out TripMantu.

  • Plan, Explore, Share.

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